Listening to zoerose this early on feels almost like discovering her. In her debut, she already has the voice of an artist that commands attention, with a bright sound that spins beauty from regret / Dilara Sümbül
Ryan Matera / I did not read the article but I think this wolf is dead because, as I mentioned, it was in the obituary section. As far as the news I can deliver in this rag-of-note, I can say only this, firmly: there was a wolf in Southern California.
Tola Zysman / Machado's archive ultimately is her memoir, and this new archive is built on the remains of what she felt as a child, that even her existence in her room was a kind of familial debt.
Em Dietrich / she said cup my tears in the / palms of my hands—fresh plums / for when my doubts starve me.
nat raum on Photography and Interdisciplinary Transformation of the Self / Nan Goldin is familiar with photographing the things you want to keep. An influence of mine in many ways, she once talked about how one must only look at what a person photographs to see what they fear losing.
Issue No. 2: In The Margins
Out Now
Hasty confessions, annotations, and crossed-out lines still legible. Afterthoughts that overwrite their predecessors, dreams lingering in your wake. Contradictions left in footnotes, private notes passed between hands, and rearview truths closer than they appear. All language on the verge of something; any piece with truths kept to the periphery. Pages you rip just to put back together and admit something to yourself in half hope, half defeat.