Executive Board
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Dilara Sümbül,
Founder & Editor-In-Chief, Web Designer, Artist
Dilara Sümbül is a writer from San Francisco. She is the editor-in-chief of Flat Ink and a writing fellow at UC Berkeley. Her work has been recognized by The Adroit Journal, The National YoungArts Foundation, and The Leyla Beban Young Authors Foundation.

Crystal Peng,
Managing Editor
Crystal Peng lives in Vancouver, British Columbia. Her work appears in Poetry Pause, Sine Theta Magazine, Blue Marble Review, and elsewhere. When not writing, she spends her time propagating succulents, listening to the Goldberg Variations, or in a wikipedia rabbithole about oysters.

Tola Zysman,
Fiction Editor & Staff Writer
Tola (she/her) is a fiction writer from Warsaw, Poland. Her work has been recognised by Bennington College, amongst others, has been nominated for Best Small Fictions, Best Microfiction, and the Pushcart Prize, and is published in The Adroit Journal, Gone Lawn and elsewhere. When not writing, you can find her combing through second-hand bookshops or tweeting @tolazysman. She would love it if you subscribed to her substack (https://tolazysman.substack.com)!

Dhwanee Goyal,
Poetry Editor
Dhwanee Goyal is from Maharashtra, India. An editor-in-chief of Indigo Literary Journal, her work appears or is forthcoming in Claw & Blossom, Whale Road Review, Heavy Feather Review, and more. Her Twitter handle is @pparallell, and her micro-chapbook, ‘Kasauli Daydreams,’ is out from Ghost City Press. The first prize winner of the Poetry For Our Times competition, she is an Adroit 2021 mentee, and an alumna of Iowa Young Writers’ Studio.

Kai Van Ginkel,
Review Editor & Staff Writer
Kai Van Ginkel is a Midwesterner who is often seen with a book in hand. A Graduate of College of St. Mary’s with a degree in Writing and Literature, they are an editor with a passion for fairy-tales and the subversion of old stories. They are an Anthology Editor for Lupercalia Press, and can also be found reading and reviewing books at Sleeping Dragon Reviews, or on twitter @KaiVanGinkel

Nandini Rabindra Maharana,
Poetry Editor
Nandini Rabindra Maharana is a seventeen-year-old who enjoys nature walks and petrichor. She resides in New Delhi, India, and is currently in high school. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Cathartic Lit, Wonders Magazine, Bridge Ink Magazine, The Aurora Journal. Apart from writing, she doodles and studies science. You can find more about her on: nandini.carrd.co
Staff Writers, Interviewers, & Readers

Angel Zhao,
Prose and Poetry Reader
Angel lives and writes in Vancouver, British Columbia. She has been acknowledged by the Jessamy Stursberg Poetry Prize competition and Pluvia Literary Magazine and was a runner-up in The New York Times’ 2021 Coming of Age Multimedia Contest. In her free time, she enjoys The New Yorker and Conan Gray; however, most recently, she has become a Wes Anderson enthusiast.

Ange Yeung,
Staff Writer for Craft Essays and Prose and Poetry Reader
Ange is from Vancouver, Canada. Other than procrastinating on writing their hundreds of unfinished poems hidden away in google docs, you can find them at debate club, binging hours of youtube, or trying to maximize the time they can avoid going outdoors. They love all forms of surrealist and narrative poetry and prose. You can find them @ang_yeungg on twitter.

Audrey Snow Matzke,
Staff Writer for Literary Criticism & Craft Essays
Audrey Snow Matzke is a nascent autistic writer from Chicago, IL. Appearing in The Augment Review, Stone Of Madness Press, and elsewhere, you can follow her journey to expand her resume @amsnowwrites.
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